About us
The committee of Science on Stage Switzerland is composed of :
Tibor Gyalog, Chairman, FHNW
Maurice Cosandey, Vice chairman, chemistry Olympiads
Anne Jacob, Secretary, Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences
Amandine Forny, Treasurer, secondary school Representative Romandie, Gymnase de Renens
Giorgio Haeusermann, Delegate of Science on Stage Switzerland in Ticino, Il Giardino della scienza
Janine Hermann, Communication, Gymnasium Goldküste
David Nef, Head organization of the national festival, Swiss Science Center Technorama
Marie Pachtova, President of the jury for the national festival, Roche
Nicole Traber, primary school Representative, Primarschule Dreirosen
Thomas Scheuber, secondary school representative Deutschschweiz, Gymnasium Kirschgarten